“Like we were enemies in a war”

China’s Mass Internment, Torture and Persecution of Muslims in Xinjiang

“Like we were enemies in a war” China’s Mass Internment, Torture and Persecution of Muslims in Xinjiang

Illustrations by Molly Crabapple

Qurban Mamut

库尔班 · 木提⻢

Assumed Location

Internment camp

Suspected Reasons for Arrest or Detention

Having relatives abroad

Official Reason for Arrest or Detention


Last Contact

November 2017

Qurban, a writer, journalist and retired journal editor, has not been seen or heard from by his son since November 2017. His son told Amnesty International that in September 2018 a source reported Qurban had been sent to an internment camp. There has since been no information about his whereabouts or condition. His son believes that his residence in the USA is the reason for his father’s detention.

Personal Details

Qurban retired as editor-in-chief of Xinjiang Civilization, a state-controlled Uyghur-language journal that promotes Uyghur culture and history. He designed and completed the building of his “dream home” in Urumqi in 2017. He also enjoys European classical music and Uyghur traditional music.

Date of Birth







Writer, journalist and retired journal editor

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