“Like we were enemies in a war”

China’s Mass Internment, Torture and Persecution of Muslims in Xinjiang

“Like we were enemies in a war” China’s Mass Internment, Torture and Persecution of Muslims in Xinjiang

Illustrations by Molly Crabapple

Abdulhekim Maimaitimin

阿布都艾克木 · 麦麦提敏

Assumed Location

Internment camp or prison

Suspected Reasons for Arrest or Detention

Travelling abroad

Official Reason for Arrest or Detention


Last Contact

March 2017

Abdulhekim, a Uyghur businessman, went to Turkey in December 2016 to undergo surgery on his arm. He spent a few months in Turkey for rehabilitation and his doctor asked him to stay for a few additional months to make sure he had a proper recovery. However, Abdulhekim received a phone call from his father in Xinjiang asking him to go back home. According to Abdulhekim’s sister, interviewed by Amnesty International and based in Turkey, the Chinese police asked their father to call Abdulhekim and to give him an ultimatum. If he was not back in Xinjiang by 10 March 2017, the police were going to arrest their father and other relatives. Abdulhekim left soon after this phone call but as soon as he returned to Xinjiang, he disappeared. He was allegedly taken to an internment camp and went to the hospital at least once due to his painful arm. However, his sister doesn’t know whether he is now in an internment camp or a prison. Despite attempts to reach out to the Chinese authorities in Turkey, Abdulhekim’s sister has not been provided with any official documents about her younger brother, but she believes that he has been detained due to his travel to Turkey.

Personal Details

Abdulhekim loves reading history books and watching movies. He used to watch the news all the time. He always listened to his older sister.
Abdulhekim’s mother, Tudinsa Mettü Mür, and brother-in-law, Kurban Tudibaki, are also in detention allegedly for having travelled to Turkey.

Date of Birth

15 June 1996







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